
Organisations can rely on Ditanbiz for their success. We deliver services better than expectations.


Ditanbiz has expert consultants and human resource, we solve problems faster and efficiently.


Quality services is one of the focus areas of Ditanbiz, where we deliver not only on time but with quality.

Ditanbiz Inc. is
a Product Development and Software Consulting Enterprise.

Our aim is to harness the power of computing to solve the issues faced by Enterprises or Organisations. With etical business values, we help all stakeholders to acheive their goals, increase efficiency and deliver industry centric solutions.

Our Services

Our Services

We are a Product Development and Software Consulting Enterprise. Focused on Quality and Productivity.

Software - IT Consulting

We enable organisations to achieve their goals and transition to digital framework.


Ditanbiz is creating industry level tools in AR/VR/MR, to achieve more productivity.


Ditanbiz helps to build a secure and scalable transaction database.

Applications / Mobile

We create scalable applications for the organisations. Platforms include Mobile, Desktops or Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, MacOS.


Bigdata is huge set of complex data set. We help organisations to overcome difficulties of turning Bigdata into a tool.

Airtifical Intelligence

AI helps to automate work environment and increase efficiency and delivery.

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Latest News

We are a Product Development & Software Consulting Enterprise. Focused on Quality and Productivity.

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Industries or Organisations

Some of the Industry or Organisation segments for which we develop Products and Consult.